

Published: Aug 1, 2022


This article is devoted to the research of the topical issue of temporal and essential characteristics of the regulatory civil relationship. The legal definition of a legal relationship as a social interaction regulated by law is provided, the participants of which have mutually corresponding legal rights and obligations. The exercise of subjective civil rights is limited in time. The reasons for such restrictions, their nature and impact on the effectiveness of the law itself are studied in the paper. It is during the existence of the law it can be exercised, outside these limits - it is impossible. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish in each case the duration of the period during which the exercise of subjective rights is possible. This is especially important when the legislator sets the duration of the relationship in the form of necessary, reasonable and other similar periods. We believe that they are definite, and their duration is determined by the application of customs of business. The interconnectedness of the subjective substantive law of its bearer with the legal obligation of the obligated person is the quintessence of the legal relationship. The main thing is that the subjective right is exercised during the time during which it exists. After the expiration of the time for the regulatory implementation of the right, its violation begins, and therefore the effect of the protection-legal material relationship occurs.

How to Cite

Guyvan, P. (2022). TIME LIMITS OF CIVIL SUBSTANTIVE LAW AS A CRITERION FOR THE LEGALITY OF THE RELATIONSHIP. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-1-5
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regulatory and protective legal relationship, substantive law, term

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