

Published: Oct 25, 2022


In the article, from the standpoint of cultural research, there is an attempt to systematize the Christian values of the saints, which formed the basis of the cultural and artistic projects of the architecture of medieval Chernigiv and generalize common European, including Slavic-Ukrainian, distinctive traditions of spiritual heritage. They were formed on the basis of pagan mythology, which was transformed into the Christian spiritual world. It was passed down from generation to generation through oral and written culture, preserved in myths, legends, legends, sermons, chronicles, and the Holy Scriptures. It was spread by members of monastery communities, priests, and pilgrims throughout Ukraine-Rus. The philosophical and Christian spiritual tradition, morality, and culture of Europeans have been preserved up to this day in a sacred form. The Christian- European influences of sacred icon painting art as a new historical stage are considered. The Christian-European influences of monumental stone and masonry architecture are considered a new historical stage, which formed the cult of traditions of common biblical images of mosaic-fresco, icon painting art, and local images of princely dynasties, canonized saints, which also occupy a sacred place in today’s Ukrainian architecture.

How to Cite

Balabushka, V. (2022). CHRISTIAN-SACRAL TRADITIONS OF CHERNIGIV-SIVERSKY REGION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 12-16.
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religion, the cult of saints, saints of Chernigiv region, princes, icon painting art, icons, spiritual traditions.

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