

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article is dedicated to the problem of success in the focus of the personality of a modern pupil of a general secondary education institution. The tasks of the research are the analysis of theoretical data and the highlighting of the results of empirical research concening the content of the phenomena of success and social success, the content characteristics of the socially successful personality of the pupil, as well as the generalization of the results. In the research process, theoretical methods (analysis, reinterpretation and generalization of data, content analysis) and empirical methods (conversation, blitz survey, method of unfinished sentences) were applied. The author justified the difference between the concepts of «success» and «social success», emphasized the qualities and skills of primary and senior school pupils necessary for social success, and emphasized the importance of creating conditions in the educational environment that contribute to the formation of a socially successful personality.

How to Cite

Necherda, V. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF SUCCESS IN THE FOCUS OF THE PERSONALITY OF A PRIMARY AND SENIOR SCHOOL PUPIL. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 64-71.
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phenomenon of social success, portrait of a socially successful pupil, teenager, young man, educational environment

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