

Published: Jan 2, 2023


This article is aimed to describe the process of Kosovo independence recognition, its main stages, chronology, and international status of Kosovo in 21th century under the scope of its economic and political engagement at the global arena through the reports and recommendations of international organization. Compliance of Kosovo state with the international criteria on the independency recognition is also presented in the article through overview of basic recognized legal requirements and approaches. Described the position of the sovereign state acting in accordance with its national interests and important role played by individual states, Poland and Czech Republic in particular, their military and political engagement, and social reaction to the conflict and Kosovo recognition, as well as by non-state, non-governmental and social actors, but also international organizations regarding path and recognition of Kosovo independency. Kosovo domestic state of play with respect to the independency path and international status are also presented for consideration.

How to Cite

Mokretska, M. (2023). KOSOVO INDEPENDENCY AND INTERNATIONAL STATUS IN THE 21ST CENTURY: ROLE OF POLAND AND CZECH REPUBLIC. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 146-151. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-4-17
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Kosovo, European Union, NATO, foreign policy, Poland, Czech Republic, peace missions, Kosovo independency

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