

Published: Oct 11, 2023


Abstract. The article discusses the motivational foundations of the formation of students' polyphonic hearing in the process of piano training. Definitions of the concept of polyphonic hearing relevant in scientific and pedagogical literature are analyzed. Modern approaches to the issue of execution and motivation are considered. Aspects of the formation of polyphonic hearing, its significance and specifics in the process of piano training, motivational bases of the formation of polyphonic hearing of students are singled out. The theoreticalmethodological base of the study of this problem is built on the competence, cultural, activity approach. In the course of theoretical research, methods of analysis, generalization and comparison, systematization were used. It is emphasized that the formation of polyphonic hearing is possible under the conditions of understanding the theoretical foundations of polyphony and the specifics of its practical implementation. Consistently filling the content of piano training with polyphonic compositions, mastering the methods of working on them ensures the formation of students' polyphonic hearing. Among the motivational bases for the formation of students' polyphonic hearing in the process of piano training, we singled out interest in polyphonic music, mastering polyphonic works through discussion of topical issues of polyphonic art, public performances.

How to Cite

Mozgalova, N., & Novosadova, A. (2023). MOTIVATION BASES FOR THE FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ POLYPHONIC HEARING IN THE PROCESS OF PIANO TRAINING. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 108-114.
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polyphonic hearing, polyphony, piano preparation, motivation.

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