

Published: Jan 17, 2024


The purpose of our article is to determine the role of flute music in the work of one of the most famous composers of the baroque – G. P. Teleman. The methodology of the research consists in the use of a historical approach – when defining the genres of flute music, analysis – the definition of typological features, a comparative method that allows comparing researchers' opinions on the genre features of Teleman's work. The development of instrumental music was closely related to the development of flute performance. Therefore, it is not surprising that composers pay attention to this instrument. Taking into account the artistic content of G. P. Teleman's compositions, we can highlight the following leading genre varieties: fantasies, sonatas, concerts, duets, quartets, partitas, suites. These and other works of Telemann were written both for solo flute and its ensemble combination. These works became the basis of the development of the flute repertoire.

How to Cite

Novosadova, A., Mozgalova, N., & Novosadov, Y. (2024). THE FIGURE OF G.P. TELEMAN AS ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE FLUTE REPERTOIRE OF THE BAROQUE ERA. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 36-41.
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G. P. Teleman, flute, baroque, genre

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