

Published: Oct 25, 2022


The processes of expansion of regional actors in the world market have led to significant changes not only in approaches, methods and tools for managing and regulating international economic relations, but also in the framework of regional economic policies implemented in countries. Regional economic policy is no longer an instrument of purely domestic economic policy of the state and has become a management tool that is largely responsible for the country's competitiveness. This new status is also due to the fact that the region, compared to the national economy, has a much more adaptive potential in terms of changing external conditions and less inertia in the development process. This is a broad way of concentrating factors of production in a relatively short period of time, creating the necessary conditions for the impact of the scale of production, the influence of agglomeration, which is significantly affected by the competitiveness of the territory and the economic entities operating in it.

How to Cite

Maslivets, H., & Grynchuk, N. (2022). INTERREGIONAL COMPETITION AS A WAY TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REGION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 133-138.
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competitiveness, interregional competition, regional competitiveness management, competitive advantages, economic potential of the region.

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