

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. The article explores the impact of technological advancements on the development of the legislative framework regulating registration systems in Ukraine. In the context of the transition from traditional to digital approaches, combining existing management practices with innovative solutions became particularly important. Also, the success of digitalization depends on the effectiveness of cyber security measures. Adaptation to technological change has been proven to be key to achieving strategic goals from a legal perspective. Phased implementation of changes is an important stage of sustainable and effective development of registration systems in Ukraine which will allow all participants in the process to adapt to new stages of digital development, and the use of pilot projects helps to inform strategic decisions in a rapidly changing technological environment. The article summarizes that the development of technologies and digital transformation requires not only technical solutions but also new legal strategies to ensure the effective and safe functioning of registration systems in the modern world.

How to Cite

Tsvigun, I. (2024). THE EVOLUTION OF REGISTRATION SYSTEMS IN UKRAINE: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PERSPECTIVES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 61-76.
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registration systems, administrative procedures, administrative service, digital technologies, interaction systems, pilot project.

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