

Published: May 23, 2023

  Yuriy Safonov

  Ievgen Bazhenkov

  Svitlana Zaiets


The article presents the factors of the international policy of publication and provision of school textbooks at the national, regional and local levels in the context of modern requirements for the quality of education. Such research methods as analytical review, comparison, analysis, generalization, interpretation, synthesis were used. An analysis of existing problems and possible ways of improving the quality and objectivity of the system of textbook provision was carried out. The scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations of international organizations on the formation of textbook publishing policy, the role of central authorities, local self-government, private organizations, the public and parents of students in the financing, development and distribution of textbooks are considered. The peculiarities of textbook publishing in countries working with the system of centralized state publication, state approval of a list of textbooks by choice, mixed system and open market are analyzed. The similarities and differences of the main changes over the last 20-30 years in the position of countries regarding textbooks (with an emphasis on leading Asian countries) are identified in terms of types of policies, processes of approval and control of production, distribution of textbooks, priorities in providing students with textbooks. The analysis confirmed that in most countries there is a change in the role of central and local self-government, the private sector, parents and the public in the development and distribution of textbooks, as well as the interaction of subjects of educational book publishing. Recommendations for improving the process of textbook publishing have been developed based on the experience of the outlined work in the countries of the world.

How to Cite

Safonov, Y., Bazhenkov, I., & Zaiets, S. (2023). PUBLISHING SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS: INTERNATIONAL POLICY AND PRACTICAL SCENARIOS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(2), 172-180.
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quality of education, policy of educational book publishing, school textbooks, printing, foreign book publishing experience


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